Organisé en cinq chapitres par continent le livre présente les 100 établissements du monde entier retenus par le jury. Chaque chapitre est introduit par un texte d experts et de juges, comme Tony Chambers (Rédacteur en chef de Wallpaper*) ou le designer Karim Rashid. Une préface du créateur et fondateur de ces prix, Marco Rebora, présente l ensemble de ces créations.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Feast your eyes: The art of hospitality design Restaurants and bars offer architects and interior designers the opportunity to design for both style and entertainment; aesthetics and function must come together to create ambiance and conviviality in a way that both makes a statement and keeps clients wanting to come back. The Restaurant & Bar Design Awards—the world's only awards dedicated to hospitality design—recognizes the importance of this particular field, and is dedicated to singling out the world's most exceptional settings for eating and drinking. Each year, entries are submitted from all types of sectors, including hotels, offices, transport, industry, fine dining, education, sports and leisure, healthcare, government, aviation, cruise, and retail. A panel of top design, lifestyle, and hospitality professionals judges the entries. Divided into five chapters by continent—Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Oceania—the book features the 100 establishments worldwide that were selected by the panel. Texts include chapter introductions by experts and judges such as Tony Chambers (editor-in-chief of Wallpaper) and designer Karim Rashid, and a preface by the author and founder of the awards, Marco Rebora. Entries include: Numerous photographs A fact sheet including location, number of seats, price range, architect/designer, cost of project, and size of build A text describing the briefing, the challenge, and the solution Information about the architect and designer The location, the operator, specialties, and interesting facts
Fiche technique
Références spécifiques