The harnessing of solar energy via photovoltaic (i.e. solar electrical) technology has become one of the world's highest priorities, as dwindling oil resources compel nations all over the world to reconsider their energy policies
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Energy generation through photovoltaics and buildings is much more than just an energetic alternative to traditional electricity production-the planning and design of photovoltaics is increasingly shifting to the forefront and is thus becoming a new challenge for architecture. This book describes the whole spectrum of possible applications-from inspiration to detail-of photovoltaics as an integral part of building envelopes and introduces groundbreaking examples and visions for the future, in which photovoltaics work as a successful part of exterior faades-combined with highly luminous and economical illuminated wallpaper and curtains inside buildings. Its range extends from early designs by artists such as Daniel Hausig through aspects of material selection to detail drawings of implemented solutions. The enormous variety of possible applications of this new (building) material demonstrates what huge potential it possesses.
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