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Three cities that are possible, and at the same time impossible. While these cities could exist, they actually do not. They could exist, because they are made from the same rules, materials and requirements as all cities; yet they are impossible because they are radical: they admit nothing but their peculiar character, their fundamental rule.
texte italien/anglais
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Carlo Terpolilli, reinterpreting the rich material produced by the three workshops held at the IUAV, has decided to create this book now that some years have passed since that exceptional shared human and didactic experience, and places us, at an indispensable distance. We are therefore able to observe the results with the proper detachment. And while it is true that the first impression, when rereading them, is the rich imagination and abundance of ideas, at the same time they also prove very realistic.
Among the different appellatives which could be used to define this book, that of possible-impossible cities seeks to mirror and encompass the peculiarities of its hypothetical visions, openly referring to founded, ideal, imaginary, futuristic and utopian cities.
Carlo Terpolilli is architect and professor at the University of Florence, where he teaches Technology of Architecture. From 2004 to 2006 he was visiting Professor at IUAV summer workshops in Venice. He is founder partner of Ipostudio Architects, in Florence since 1983.
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