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Atelier Bow-Wow is a Tokyo-based architecture firm, founded in 1992 by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kajima. The firm is well known for its domestic and cultural architecture and its research exploring the urban conditions of micro, ad hoc architecture.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Contemporary Architect's Concept Series 5
Atelier Bow-Wow : Echo of Space/Space of Echo
* Experience of Architecture, Echo of Space - Introduction
“Form of Being” / “Form of Doing” / Echo of Space
* Mask
Typology and Deformation / Architectural Rhetoric Shareable with
Surroundings Environment / Responsibility towards Urban Landscapes
* Insect-Hunting
From Mechanistic Model to Biodiverse Model /
Umwelt, Environmental Unit, and Urban Intelligence /
The Made in Tokyo
* Animal Figures
Concreteness and Abstraction / Devising Materiality / Animated Expressions
* Dogs and Chairs
Format / Proportion / Performance
* Cleaning
Behaviors of Oil Drops / Affordance / Spatial Practice
* Sports Court
Creation of Local Rules, Hypotheses and Space / Visual Arts and Temporal Arts
* Roppongi Crossing
Mass Intelligence / Micro Public Space / Flux Management
* Freeloaders
Dialog between Multiple Frameworks for Various Subjects /
Nonhuman Perception of Space / Tolerance
* Transfer
Spatial Flow / Image of the Public Space / From Space to Time /
Architecture as a Temporal Vehicle
* Jig
From Tool to Jig / Animated Rearrangement of People and Objects / Ecology
* Architectural Generations
How to Read Chaotic Landscapes / Mixed Presence of Different Generations /
Fourth-Generation Houses
* How to Park a Car
Handling of Cars in Residential Districts / Communality / Observation and Non-Embedment
* Intelligence of Buildings
Skin and Filling / Emergence of a Palazzo-like Contexts / Continuity, Repeatability
* Tokyo Monuments
Heroic Space / Gaps between Architecture and City Planning / Relocation to the River Sumida
* Internalization of Suburbias
From Suburbia to its Interiority / Geographical Features / Locality
* Behaviorial Form
Fiche technique
Références spécifiques