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Ouvrage de référence : monographie en grand format, l'une des rares publications consacrées à l'oeuvre du designer français – un travail combinant technologies d'avant-garde et simplicité conceptuelle –, avec un essai d'Elisabeth Lebovici, des notes inédites de Martin Szekely et quelque 200 illustrations (vues d'expositions, détails, dessins, reproduits en pleine page).
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Paris-based Martin Szekely is one of the most acclaimed designers of his generation, working simultaneously for the industry - with international companies such as Nestle, Heineken, and Hermes - on private commissions, and on limited-production creations. Since the beginning of the 1980s, his work has developed as a 'return to the source' of furniture, deploying an aesthetic drawn from the reduction of gestures and attention to materials, rather than through a form of minimalism, with which it is often associated. Combining cutting-edge technology with conceptual simplicity, he uses materials such as concrete and wood, cork and marble. This monograph, one of the rare books about Martin Szekely, puts together an essay by French art critic Elisabeth Lebovici alongside unpublished notes by the designer. More than 200 images (installation views, close-ups, drawings) offer a complete overview on his work. Published with Galerie kreo, Paris. English and French text.
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