Carlo Mollino - Architecture as Autobiography
Draws on rare photographs and documents to reconstruct the enigmatic twentieth-century Italian architect's career as reflected by his interiors and furniture creations, in an account that offers insight into his nonconformist style and the influences of major architects on his work.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Draws on rare photographs and documents to reconstruct the enigmatic twentieth-century Italian architect's career as reflected by his interiors and furniture creations, in an account that offers insight into his nonconformist style and the influences of major architects on his work. Reprint.
Fiche technique
- Titre
- Carlo Mollino
- Sous titre
- Architecture as Autobiography
- Auteurs
- Giovanni Brino
- Date de publication
- 2005
- Nombre de pages
- 175
- Version
- preview-1.0.0
- Langue
- en
- Type d'impression
- Catégories
- Architecture
- ISBN - 10
- 0500285837
- ISBN - 13
- 9780500285831
Références spécifiques
- ean13
- 9780500285831