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1Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein, together with their teaching staff and students at ETH Zurich, expanded their research on building typology to four more metropolises, again in Europe, Latin America, and Asia: Paris, Delhi, Sao Paulo, and Athens.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Christ & Gantenbein Architects was established in 1998. Based in Basel, the firm works on a wide range of tasks: housing, refurbishment of historic buildings, office buildings, and bridges, as well as large-scale urban master plans. Built projects are located in Switzerland, Germany, Britain, China and Mexico. One of their main focal points is museum architecture: the extensions of the "Swiss National Museum "in Zurich (opening 2016) and Basel's "Kunstmuseum" (opening 2016) are currently under construction. In November 2013, Christ & Gantenbein was awarded the first prize in the competition for an extension of Walraff Richartz Museum in Cologne, Germany. After many teaching assignments in Switzerland and abroad, Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein took up assistant professorships at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) in 2010. "Christ & Gantenbein Review "is a series of books in which the two architects explore issues and topics arising from their architectural and teaching work. The third volume of the" Review s"eries, "Typology Vol. 2"," " follows-up on the preceding and successful "Typology "(2012). Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein, together with their teaching staff and students at ETH Zurich, expanded their research on building typology to four more metropolises, again in Europe, Latin America, and Asia: Paris, Delhi, Sao Paulo, and Athens. 180 buildings were analyzed over the past two years, again to find inspiration and models that can be adapted for the local context of any given city. Each example is documented with an image, site and floor plans, axonometric projection, key data, and a brief description. An introduction and four essays on the interaction between various protagonists and, in particular, the effect of governing local building regulation again show the potential for contemporary urban architecture.
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