An exhaustive monograph on the work of ipostudio, documenting the combination of traditional building techniques and cutting-edge and innovative materials.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
The volume retraces the fundamental stages in the career of Ipostudio Architetti Associati. Founded
in 1983 by Lucia Celle, Roberto Di Giulio, Carlo Terpolilli and Elisabetta Zanasi Gabrielli, joined in 2002 by Panfilo Cionci, Ipostudio is principally active in Italy, working on projects for schools, libraries, long-term nursing homes and hospitals. Since 1991 it has been a partner in research projects funded by the European Union. The office has taken part in numerous competitions, winning, among others, those for a business centre at Calenzano, Florence (1998), for the Prenestina service area on the A1 express road near Rome (1988), for “City of the School” at Sarno, Salerno (2000, in progress). The projects built include nursing homes at Modena, Carpi and Ancona; extensions to an elementary school at Campi Bisenzio, the Banca del Chianti Fiorentino at Sambuca in Florence. Among the projects now under way are a production facility at Scandicci and the Library of Architecture in Florence; among those under construction are the Administrative Centre of the Hospital of Careggi in Florence and the Business Centre at Atessa, Chieti.
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