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Sean Godsell (born 9 September 1960) is an Australian architect and former professional footballer.
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(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
In 2002, ‘Wallpaper’ magazine listed Australian architect Sean Godsell as someone destined to change the way we live. His ‘Future Shack’ (1999), constructed from shipping containers, drew international attention, and he has since garnered numerous awards. This monographic edition of ‘El Croquis’ explores Godsell’s work, which is primarily rooted in his belief in the power of architecture to help the less fortunate. A craftsman at heart, the fact that he is demanding and exacting in both the logic and execution of his designs is clear. Besides an in-depth focus on ten significant projects, the issue includes an interview with Leon van Schaik and a critical text by Juhani Pallasmaa.
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