In the 21st century ·metro· is increasingly perceived as synonymous with “megalopolis”.
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(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
In the 21st century ·metro· is increasingly perceived as synonymous with “megalopolis”. However, in this issue of speech: we shall, above all, treat the metro as a distinctive architectural type and a unique public space whose importance is growing with every year. The modern metro has long since ceased to be simply a means of getting to where you need to be by the shortest route; more than any other kind of public transport, it today determines the architectural image of large cities and the comfort of their urban environment. The layout and design of modern stations and entrance halts, the possibility of incorporating the widest range of functions into transport infrastructure, and the use of innovative technologies and materials are just a few of the aspects which we shall be examining under the heading of “metro architecture” in this issue of speech:. speech: subway looks at the best metro stations to have been built in various corners of the world over the last three years. The geography covered in this issue is extensive. Stretching from Rio de Janeiro and Chicago to Dubai and Singapore, with numerous stops in Europe along the way.
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