Documenting Chandigarh / The Indian Architecture of Pierre Jeanneret...
500,00 €
Livraison 48h
...Edwin Maxwell Fry, Jane Beverly Drew.
Concept & text by Kiran Joshi. Dédicacé.
Volume 1. Grand in-4 oblong.
Mapin Pub., 1999 - 286 pages Conceived soon after Independence, Chandigarh, the new capital for India''s Punjab province, has become a landmark of modernism and an unusual experiment in comprehensive civic design. This book records the various built elements of the city.'
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Documenting Chandigarh / The Indian Architecture of Pierre Jeanneret...
...Edwin Maxwell Fry, Jane Beverly Drew.
Concept & text by Kiran Joshi. Dédicacé.
Volume 1. Grand in-4 oblong.
Mapin Pub., 1999 - 286 pages Conceived soon after Independence, Chandigarh, the new capital for India''s Punjab province, has become a landmark of modernism and an unusual experiment in comprehensive civic design. This book records the various built elements of the city.'
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