Freedom from barriers makes possible an independent and self-determined lifestyle, encouraging mobility and integration in the cohabitation of all groups of people, including different age groups. 50 current projects are presented with the help of texts, photos, plans, and diagrams.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Freedom from barriers makes possible an independent and self-determined lifestyle, encouraging mobility and integration in the cohabitation of all groups of people, including different agegroups. Approximately
25 projects are presented with the help of texts, photos, plans and diagrams. They communicate a modern language of form, helping to create and shape contemporary living spaces for people. A provocative plea for genuinely barrier-free building and an illustrated commentary on the DIN norms round off this standard work.
Architects: Archinauten/Architekten Dworschak-Mühlbacher, Architectenbureau Paul de Ruiter, Architekturbüro Schwarz, burkhalter sumi architekten, c.f. Architekten, Diezinger & Kramer, Manfred Drescher/Dieter Kubina, Eller+Eller Architekten, Georg Scheel Wetzel Architekten, Holm Gießler, Grabow Architekten, Florian Höfer, Jürke Architekten, Kollhoff Architekten, Martini Architekten, monomere, Nebel Pössl Architekten, Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), Steinhilber+Weis, Heinz Tesar/Hella Rolfes, UNStudio, Dietger Wissounig.
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